Deprecated the localControlCompetingRisks(), localControlNearestNeighbors(), and (hidden) doLocalControl() functions.
Added a new function in their place, LocalControl().
The behavior of the three removed functions now exists in this function.
The new “outcomeType” parameter allows users to toggle between the competingRisks and NearestNeighbors functionality.
Deprecated the plotLocalControlCIF and plotLocalControlLTD functions, replaced with s3 (plot()) functions.
Added S3 functions: print() and summary() have also been added for the LocalControl classes.
Changed the structure of the LocalControlCS and LocalControlCR objects.
Removed the summary object.
The summary is now created upon request using the summary() s3 function with the LocalControl classes.
Added a formula interface for LocalControl (beta).
LocalControl(data = lindner, modelForm = formula('cardbill ~ abcix | stent + female + acutemi'))
Is now a valid alternative to:
LocalControl( data = lindner, clusterVars = c("stent", "female", "acutemi"), treatmentColName = "abcix", outcomeColName = "cardbill")